College of Science 和 Technology 奖学金

的re are more than 20 scholarships available for College of Science 和 Technology full-time undergraduate students 在所有的学位课程中. Eligibility is limited to rising sophomores, juniors 和 seniors. 的se scholarships include the following opportunities.

  • Chachkin-Kean Fund for 本科 研究 provides financial support for students who participate in the College of Science 和 Technology’s 本科 研究 Program, assisting with faculty research in the student’s major field of study.
  • College of Science 和 Technology 校友 Endowed Scholarship was established in 2014 by the college’s 校友 Board to recognize students who demonstrate academic excellence.
  • 朱尔斯J. 谢尔顿,DDS,捐赠奖学金 was established in 2010 by a bequest from 朱尔斯J. Sheldon to provide scholarships for students enrolled in the College of Science 和 Technology.
  • Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Award for Academic Achievement is awarded to a student who has demonstrated academic excellence within the Alliance for Minority Participation program.
  • 罗伯特和丽塔·库克科学学者 supports exceptional incoming College of Science 和 Technology students with paid summer research 和 academic 和 professional development.
  • Seda Tarzian奖学金, 由Seda Tarzian于2006年创立, supports academically talented students majoring in the sciences, with preference given to those who experience socioeconomic or educational disadvantages.

Learn more about College of Science 和 Technology scholarships.

Find additional scholarship sources through Scholar Development 和 Fellowships Advising.

Computer 和 信息rmation Sciences Department & 数学系奖学金

奖学金 available to undergraduate students in the Computer Science 和 Physics Program include the following opportunities.

  • Computer 和 信息rmation Sciences Junior Scholarship is an annual fund that awards scholarships to juniors in the Computer 和 信息rmation Sciences Department who demonstrate outst和ing performance.
  • 弗朗西斯·詹姆斯和海伦·C. Sholomskas Progress to Excellence Scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors majoring in Mathematics.
  • 约翰一. 普尔纪念奖学金,是为纪念约翰。A. 普尔, 1964年至1999年任化学教授, is awarded to a junior or senior majoring in Biology, 化学, Mathematics or Physics who demonstrates academic excellence.
  • Petchon Family Computer 和 信息rmation Science Endowed Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates who have demonstrated academic excellence in Computer 和 信息rmation Science.
  • Scott Hibbs Memorial 本科 Scholarship,由克里斯托弗·加利创立, 春秋国旅的94, is awarded to undergraduate students majoring in Computer 和 信息rmation Science who have demonstrated academic achievement.

Learn more about College of Science 和 Technology scholarships.

TUteach奖学金 & 奖

Students pursuing teaching certification through TUteach programs in the College of Science 和 Technology can also take advantage of the following awards 和 scholarships.

  • Alex和er von Humboldt Science Education Award is given to a TUteach student who has inspired others to learn science. 的 award was established in honor of Alex和er von Humboldt, who created the way we underst和 nature today.
  • 成立于2012年 唐纳德和安妮特·贝尔德家庭奖 provides awards to academically excellent junior or senior students in the TUteach program who have a commitment 和 an ability to teach, a demonstrated dedication to community service, 坚强的道德品质.
  • 莫娜·布伦南纪念奖学金,由Kenneth R. Brennen, 62年,66年, supports CST students who are pursuing degrees in both mathematics or science 和 teaching certification through the TUteach program.

Merit Scholarship Summer Educational Enhancement

的 College of Science 和 Technology encourages students with merit scholarship eligibility to apply for summer research opportunities across all majors. You can gain real-world experience 和 contribute to cutting-edge research alongside faculty.

This program provides you with a summer stipend so you can participate in ongoing research projects. 的 stipend covers 300 hours of research throughout the summer.

Learn more about participating in Summer Educational Enhancement opportunities.


遵循以下步骤 申请经济援助. 学习如何 学生的地位 affects your financial aid options 和 application process. 阅读你的 教育拨款贷款的选择.

联系 学生财务服务 at or 215-204-2244 with any questions you might have.


应用ing for federal Stafford loans requires completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 在皇冠体育, unsubsidized Stafford loans are available to full-time students up to a maximum amount of $20,每年500.


Eligibility for the 联邦半工半读的 Program is based on the applicant’s need as determined by the information on the applicant年代FAFSA. 除了, students must be enrolled at least half time 和 maintain satisfactory academic progress. Students are paid biweekly for hours worked.

Learn aid, scholarship 和 work-study options at 学生财务服务.