
获得学位所需的学分数: 39

博士生必须至少修习11门历史系课程, may elect to take courses outside the department with the permission of the Director of 研究生 Studies. 在参加普通考试之前,必须完成至少10门课程. Students should consult with their advisor for specific field requirements for the following required courses:

  • 一个方法论研讨会[嘘8714 历史方法(3秒.h.)],在第一学期的第一年学习.
  • 两次9000级的研究/写作研讨会(目前) 嘘9208 研究研讨会 repeated for a total of 6 credits) in which a substantial piece of original research is produced; one course must be taken in the first year, 最好是在第二个任期.
  • 8门5000和8000级的阅读和文献评论课程(24学分), with the course offerings coordinated by the Director of 研究生 Studies; four of the courses are recommended to be taken in the student's area of interest.
  • 6学分 嘘9994 初试准备, 嘘9998 Pre-Dissertation研究, 嘘9999 论文研究.

语言考试: 所有学生必须具备至少一门外语的能力. 展示自己的能力, 学生必须通过一个简短的翻译考试, 在大多数情况下, 由大学的语言系提供. 论文顾问决定是否在第二语言能力是必需的. 在参加综合考试之前,必须满足语言要求. 为美国历史的博士生准备的, the language requirement may be waived at the discretion of the advisor and with the approval of the Director of 研究生 Studies.

所有博士生在第三学期的9月参加初试. The preliminary exam is a take-home exam consisting of one synthetic question covering one of two areas: either Environments, 城市, 文化(Track I)或战争, 帝国, 与社会(第二分会), 每本书都有50本供学生学习的书单. 学生选择一个领域/方向,在考试中,从该领域的两个问题中选择一个. 他们有一个星期的时间写一篇不超过6000字的文章. 在前一个春季学期, the exam committee is responsible for conducting a workshop with first-year doctoral 学生 in which the expectations of the preliminary exam are discussed.

考试日期已定, the exam itself is graded by a pair of 研究生 教师 in each area who have been appointed by the Director of 研究生 Studies. 考试委员会盲目地给考试打分. 2次未通过预备考试的博士生将被开除.

通过初试的博士生进入总试, 它由三个字段组成, 每个小组由不同的教员指导. Note that the dissertation advisor should be the examiner in either the Geographic and/or Chronologically Distinct Field or the 主题领域:

  • Geographic and/or Chronologically Distinct Field – The reading list should include 75-80 books and articles that examine a broad field in terms of time and space, e.g., 20th世纪U.S. 历史,大西洋世界,拉丁美洲或加勒比历史,或东南亚历史. Students designate a member of the 研究生 教师 to examine them in this field and collaborate with that faculty member in creating the reading list.
  • 主题领域 – The reading list is made up of 50 books and key articles that explore a more focused and topical area, 例如外交史, 劳动的历史, 酷儿研究或城市历史. Students designate a member of the 研究生 教师 to examine them in this field and collaborate with that faculty member in creating the reading list.
  • 教学领域-学生提交一份详细且基本原创的教学大纲, 最适合本科生, 涵盖地理领域(调查类)或主题领域(更专业的, 上层类). 他们指定一名教员领导对教学大纲的讨论. 欢迎考试委员会的另外两位成员参加这次讨论. Students should submit the syllabus to all three members of the examining committee 72 hours before the exam.

博士生通常在第五学期完成综合考试. 这次口试有两个小时. 领导地理/时间领域考试的所有三名考试委员会成员, 主题领域, 和教学现场需要出现在考试现场. 学生被要求讨论与他们准备的学习和教学领域相关的问题. 要通过考试,委员会的三位成员都必须认可学生的表现. 如果不及格,学生可以重新参加口试. 两次不及格后,学生将被开除.

University-wide regulations governing examinations when a PhD student matriculated apply throughout their career until the degree is received. 如果部门或学院的规章制度发生变化, the student similarly follows the rules in place at the time of their matriculation unless they obtain approval of the advisory committee and written permission from the 研究生 Council to follow more recent requirements.

Students preparing to take their general examination should confirm times and dates with their other committee members and the 研究生 Administrator. 有关各方应收到时间的确认, 考试日期和房间要提前.

在通过综合考试并与主要指导老师协商后, 学生选择其博士顾问委员会的成员. The Doctoral Advisory Committee is formed to oversee the student's doctoral research and is comprised of at least three 研究生 教师 members, 其中两个是历史系的. The student's primary advisor functions as the chair of this committee and is responsible for overseeing and guiding the student's progress, 协调委员会成员的反应, 并告知学生他们的学业进展.

进一步, 在写论文的过程中, 或者在获得批准后的某个时候, 学生, 再次咨询他们的主要顾问, 选择一个合格的外部读者的论文. The external reader may either be on the faculty of a 皇冠体育 department other than 历史 or a member of the faculty of a college/university other than Temple. Once the external reader has agreed to serve in the capacity (and received approval from the 研究生 School), 该人员加入论文评审委员会. The total membership of the Dissertation Examining Committee may exceed four faculty (the minimum being the three 研究生 教师 members who approved the prospectus plus the external reader). 委员会的大多数成员, 然而, 必须是皇冠体育历史系研究生吗.

All doctoral candidates must prepare a dissertation prospectus in close consultation with the advisor prior to advancing to PhD candidacy. 该文件通常为15至20页,必须达到以下目标: 

  1. 确定论文的主要研究问题.
  2. 将论文置于现有的学术文献中.
  3. 制定一个连贯的研究策略,确定将使用的档案和来源.
  4. 包括研究和论文写作的时间表.

招股书答辩是一项公开活动,向历史系教师和博士生开放. 在这次活动中, 博士候选人做一个大约10到20分钟的简短陈述, 概述招股章程的内容. A copy of the dissertation prospectus is made available at least one week before the defense for examination by the faculty. 答辩期间, 教师和学生就提议的项目与候选人进行激烈的对话.

招股说明书必须在第六届任期结束前完成辩护. Failure to defend the prospectus by the end of the sixth term is grounds for dismissal from the doctoral program. 在答辩的最后, the candidate's Doctoral Advisory Committee meets privately to vote on advancing the student to PhD candidacy.

毕业论文必须在入学七年内完成并答辩. Students who have made satisfactory progress toward completing their dissertation can apply for an extension of up to three additional years. 因此,完成博士课程的最长总时间为十年. Students in the PhD program must register each term until all requirements for the degree have been fulfilled unless they receive a leave of absence.

所有的论文必须按照指导方针准备 论文与论文手册. Students should arrange a procedure for submitting draft chapters for review to their primary advisor and other members of the Doctoral Advisory Committee.

When the chair and a majority of the Dissertation Examining Committee agree that the written dissertation is of sufficient quality to be defended, 学生应与委员会约定进行口头答辩的时间. 然后,学生应将建议的答辩日期通知研究生管理员. The oral defense must be publicly announced in writing at least ten days in advance of the date of the defense and must be open to the public. A copy of the dissertation is made available to the department at least one week before the defense for examination by the faculty.

必须确定一名口头辩护主席. This person must be a 皇冠体育 presidential faculty member and may not be the chair of the student’s Dissertation Examining Committee.

论文评审委员会成员不能参加答辩的, 安排电话会议或视频会议. 这种安排必须在答辩前得到研究生院的批准. 答辩时,论文评审委员会成员不得超过一人缺席.

论文答辩是一项公开活动,向历史系教师和博士生开放. 在这次活动中, 博士候选人做了一个简短的介绍, 概述论文的主要论点. 答辩期间, 教师和学生就这个项目与候选人进行激烈的对话. 在答辩的最后, 论文审查委员会私下开会对候选人的表现进行投票. 候选人会被立即通知决定.