These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Arts

Summary of Requirements for the Degree

The Bachelor of Arts degree may be conferred upon a student majoring in Film and Media Arts by recommendation of the faculty and upon satisfactory completion of a minimum of 121 credit hours. Students must complete:

  1. University requirements:
    • New students are required to complete the General Education (GenEd) curriculum.
    • All students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses. The specific writing-intensive courses required for this major are listed below and identified with the code "WI".
  2. No more than 21 FMA credits can be transferred to the major.
  3. Students must earn a grade of "C-" or better in all Film and Media Arts courses that count towards the degree.
  4. Students may take up to 6 internship credits in Film and Media Arts.
  5. Students may count at least 42 FMA credits and a maximum of 66 FMA credits toward the 121 credit hours required for the degree.

Meeting 42 Credit Requirement

The following represents requirements for completing the BA in Film and Media Arts. Because some of these courses are variable credits, they may not add up to the 42 credits required for the degree. In that case, students must take additional FMA electives at the 2000+ level to reach the required 42 credits.

FMA Foundation Courses

Film and Media Arts students will complete the following courses by the end of the sophomore year:

FMA 1141Film, Video and Interactive Foundations I4
FMA 1142Film, Video and Interactive Foundations II4
FMA 1171Media & Culture3
FMA 1172Introduction to Film and Video Analysis3

Major Requirements

Select one of the following:4
FMA 2241
FMA 2242
FMA 2451
Experimental Video and Multi-Media
FMA 2396
Screenwriting I 1
Select one of the following:3-4
FMA 1451
Survey of New Media
FMA 2675
Film History I (1895-1950)
FMA 2676
Film History II (1950-Present)
FMA 2678
History of Experimental Film and Video Art
Two FMA 2000+ level Studies or Production Electives 16-8
FMA 3000+ Writing-Intensive Elective (WI)4
FMA 3000+ level Studies Elective 23-4
FMA 3000+ level Production or Studies Elective 23-4
Total FMA Credit Hours42

If FMA 2396 is not taken, then one of the 2000+ Studies or Production electives must be Writing Intensive. 


For which the student has completed the prerequisites.