
为专业实践、教学和研究做好准备 牙髓学证书 from 皇冠体育’s Kornberg School of Dentistry—one of the first programs of its kind at a U.S. 牙科学校. The program is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental 认证 of the American Dental Association and also fulfills the educational requirements for specialty board certification by the American Board of Endodontics.

全日制, 为期24个月的课程每年9月录取5名优秀申请者, 谁必须在项目期间继续居住. 

该计划的第一年侧重于教学部分, which consists of multiple seminar courses that involve extensive analysis of primary scientific literature in endodontics, a series of biomedical science courses taken with graduate students from other 临床 specialty programs at the 牙科学校.

第二年的重点是病人护理活动. Clinical training and experience is provided in all acceptable treatment modalities in 临床 endodontics, 临床熟练掌握牙髓治疗的各个阶段. 这包括使用各种类型的根管器械, 非手术封闭技术和牙髓手术.

学生在这个项目中有机会治疗一个巨大的, 高度多样化的患者池与广泛的根管治疗需求. Collaborative educational activities are available with other endodontic specialty programs and faculty within greater Philadelphia.


The Department of Endodontology offers a 10-month internship program in endodontics to general dentists and endodontists—including candidates with a foreign degree—who are committed to obtaining a depth of knowledge and skills in endodontics.

请联系 Maobin杨 at myang@taodengshi.com 关于入学要求、费用和其他相关问题. A 皇冠体育申请 并且需要提交50美元的费用才能被考虑入学.

Learn more about the Endodontic Internship program at Temple's Kornberg School of Dentistry.


住院医生在现代手术室内使用尖端技术. 每个空间都配备了一个操作显微镜和一个数字x射线装置. The endodontic clinic is also equipped with a surgical suite fitted with digital equipment that can both record and broadcast live surgery. 附加设施包括一个小场锥束计算机断层扫描, 设备齐全的研讨室, 学习及办公空间, 还有进入研究实验室的机会. 了解更多关于科恩伯格牙科学院的设施.



牙髓学研究生课程的学生申请 口腔健康科学理学硕士 在接受该计划后. 在这个30学分的硕士研究生项目中, students apply modern biological principles and research techniques that aid in diagnosing, 治疗和预防口腔和颅面疾病和异常.

通过跨学科课程, 学生学习结构, development and function of oral tissues; their interrelationships; and their connections to other organ systems. 研究领域包括高级普通牙科, 临床领域, 牙周和颅面再生. 

The program’s Clinical Specialty Track is specifically tailored for postgraduate students currently enrolled in an advanced training certificate in the Kornberg School of Dentistry. Coursework in students' postgraduate certificate programs count toward the required 30 credits for the Oral Health Sciences MS degree.



Residents in the Endodontics Specialty Certificate program acquire valuable teaching experience through supervising predoctoral dental students in the endodontic pre临床 lab and in the endodontic predoctoral clinic.  

类 & 课程

The Specialty Certificate in Endodontics includes 临床 and didactic instruction over a 24-month period. The didactic component of the program consists of multiple seminar courses that involve extensive reading and analysis of the primary scientific literature in endodontics, a series of basic biomedical science courses jointly taken with graduate students from other 临床 specialty programs. 课程包括

  • 高级口腔颌面放射学,
  • 生物统计学,
  • 当前牙髓学的临床概念,
  • 牙髓学的显微外科,
  • 口腔微生物学与免疫学,
  • 根尖周的生物学,
  • 牙髓生物学.





研究生s of the Endodontics Specialty Certificate program are prepared to enter the field of dentistry as

  • 牙髓学,
  • 教育工作者和
  • 研究人员.


通过学生事务处, students pursuing careers in dentistry can get counseling and support during their tenure at Kornberg and after they graduate. The office regularly hosts career events and guest speakers covering a wide range of topics including

  • 公司和私人执业职业;
  • 债务管理,
  • 全科实习医师;
  • 服兵役,以及
  • 专科教育.

Once enrolled in the program, you will receive regular notifications about career opportunities. 此外,学校还提供一种 更新的工作机会列表 为全美国的牙科专业人员.S.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, this Certificate in Endodontics offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 

你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.