
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 30


必须8749Current Topics in Musicology and Theory3
Select courses in Music Composition, Music 历史, or Music Theory
自由选修课 115

Students work with an advisor to select courses that align with their interests in music composition, 音乐理论, 音乐学, or a cognate area such as per为mance.

语言考试: 完成学位, students must fulfill a 为eign language requirement in French, 德国, 意大利, 西班牙语, or another language with approval of the chair. This requirement may be fulfilled in any one of three ways:

  1. The student successfully completed four semesters of a 为eign language as an undergraduate.
  2. The student passes a 为eign language examination with the requisite language department.
  3. The student takes four terms of a 为eign language. Since language credits are at the undergraduate level, they do not count toward the MA degree, but they do fulfill the language requirement.

Diagnostic examinations in Aural Theory, Written Theory, and Music 历史 are 要求所有 进入硕士研究生. The exceptions are students in Jazz Studies and Music Therapy who have their examinations arranged within their respective departments. In addition, Keyboard students take an additional two-hour examination in Keyboard Literature. 如《 博耶学院毕业生手册, master’s "students may not take final qualifying examinations nor per为m graduation recitals until 所有 diagnostic examinations have been successfully completed."

The exams may be taken in one day or split over three days, or the exams can be taken online 为 a fee. Preparations are provided upon registration. 访问 the Boyer College of Music and Dance website 为 the graduate music examination schedule and registration 为m.

Please note that registration 为 a student's first term of study is completed in consultation with the Associate Dean 为 Student Affairs. 请重新阅读录取通知书, especi所有y the "Special Notes" section on page 2, 关于入学缺陷. If any remedial coursework is 要求, it must be completed by the end of the first year of study. It is also best 为 students to complete 必须8701 音乐研究, which is 要求 of 所有 students except those in Jazz Studies, 音乐教育, and Music Therapy in the first year of study.

A. 研究生 Diagnostic Examination in Aural Theory

The examination lasts approximately 40 minutes and consists of a written portion in which students are asked to:

  1. Dictate a chord progression that modulates and contains chromatic harmony by writing out the bass line and identifying chords by Roman numerals and inversions.
  2. Complete a two-part melodic dictation that modulates and contains chromatic pitches.

B. 研究生 Diagnostic Examination in Written Theory

The examination lasts one and one-half hours and is in two parts: 

  1. Harmonic analysis of two chorales: one that uses diatonic harmony, 其中一个使用了半音和声.
  2. 形式分析, motives and phrase structures of the first movement of a Classical-era piano sonata.

C. 研究生 Diagnostic Examination in Music 历史

The examination lasts one hour and contains objective questions in a multiple choice and/or true/false 为mat. It covers composers, 为ms, instruments, musical works, styles and terms from 1450 to the present. 示例问题有:

  1. The basso continuo came into use in about which year?
    (a) 1500  (b) 1600  (c) 1650  (d) 1700
  2. 由谁 《爱的谎言 (大地之歌)?
    (a) Mahler  (b) Bruckner  (c) Brahms  (d) Schumann
  3. Which of the following instruments would not be found in the score of a symphony by Haydn?
    (a) horn  (b) oboe  (c) timpani  (d) trombone  (e) trumpet

D. Conditions 为 Exemption from Diagnostic Examinations

The requirement to take the Diagnostic Examination in any area is waived only 为 graduates of the Boyer College of Music and Dance who:

  • matriculate and enroll in the term immediately following completion of 所有 undergraduate degree requirements; and
  • received grades of "B-" or better in every undergraduate course taken in each individual examination area to be waived.

Be为e the end of their course of study, students in the 音乐硕士 program must take a piano proficiency exam, consisting of the following elements:

  1. 巴赫赞美诗一首(准备).
  2. The exposition of a symphony from the 18th or 19th centuries (prepared).
  3. The accompaniment of a song (德国 Lied or French Chanson; prepared).

In their final term of study, students in the 音乐硕士 program take a three-hour comprehensive exam. 部门成员, 由主席委任, devise the exam based on the coursework the student has taken 为 the degree.

The final project is an expanded version of a paper or music composition completed in a seminar. The result is intended to be suitable 为 use when applying to doctoral programs or to show an ability to teach in a particular area. Students submit a written paper in 音乐理论 or 音乐学 OR one composition project to their advisor.