
Dr. Leah Schumacher is an assistant professor in the Department of 社会与行为科学 in the 公共卫生学院 at 皇冠体育. She received her master’s degree in psychology from Drexel University in 2014 and her doctoral degree in clinical psychology from Drexel University in 2019. She completed her predoctoral clinical psychology residency in the health psychology/behavioral medicine track of the Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program at Brown University, followed by an NHLBI-sponsored cardiovascular behavioral medicine T32 postdoctoral research fellowship at the Weight Control and Diabetes 研究 Center of the Miriam Hospital and the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Dr. Schumacher then served as an instructor (research) and research scientist at the Weight Control and Diabetes 研究 Center.

Dr. Schumacher’s research focuses on improving weight loss outcomes and cardiometabolic health among individuals with overweight/obesity and related comorbidities. She is especially interested in enhancing understanding of factors that facilitate (or hinder) regular 体育活动 among individuals with obesity, and in designing novel behavioral interventions to increase and sustain high levels of 体育活动. Dr. Schumacher is also interested in the translation of obesity and 体育活动 interventions to usual care settings to increase utilization of and ensure more equitable access to health-promoting interventions.


  • 德雷塞尔大学临床心理学博士
  • 德雷塞尔大学心理学硕士
  • 代顿大学心理学学士学位






SBS 2103




  • 键,维.S.史密斯,K.E., 舒马赫,L.M.维蒂亚南森,美国.琼斯,D。.B.帕帕萨瓦斯,P.韦伯斯特., & 托马斯J.G. (2024). 以日常体重管理为中心的社会支持与减肥的关系, 活动的行为, 以及代谢和减肥手术背景下的饮食调节. 科学实践, 10(1), p. e717. 美国. doi: 10.1002 / osp4.717

  • Kalala,年代.S., 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·J.G.利普顿,R.B.Pavlovic, J., & 键,维.S. (2023). 偏头痛和血压的关系——肥胖严重程度是否有调节作用? 国际行为医学. 英格兰. doi: 10.1007/s12529-023-10241-7

  • Baillot,.伯纳德·P.Eddine, J.N.托马斯·J.G., 舒马赫,L.M.帕帕萨瓦斯,P.K.维蒂亚南森,美国.琼斯,D。., & 键,维.S. (2023). Associations of weather and air pollution with objective 体育活动 and sedentary time before and after bariatric surgery: a secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study. MedRxiv. 美国. doi: 10.1101/2023.03.22.23287589

  • 布劳恩,T.D.奥尔森,K.潘扎,E.莉莉丝,J., 舒马赫,L.阿布兰特斯,A.M.库尼基,Z., & Unick J.L. (2022). Internalized weight stigma in women with class III obesity: A randomized controlled trial of a virtual lifestyle modification intervention followed by a mindful self-compassion intervention. 科学实践, 8(6), pp. 816-827. 美国. doi: 10.1002 / osp4.616

  • 海耶斯,J.F., 舒马赫,L.M.拉诺耶,A.拉罗斯,J.G.泰特,D.F.,埃斯普兰,M.A.戈林,A.A.刘易斯,C.E.;;;.荣,R.R., & 组,年代.o.f.N.A.t.o.W.G.P.(.R. (2022). 持续的, High 水平s of Social Jetlag Predict Poor Weight Outcomes in a Weight Gain Prevention Study for Young adults. J行为医学, 45(5), pp. 794-803. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s10865-022-00339-w

  • 键,维.S.史密斯,K.E., 舒马赫,L.M.维蒂亚南森,美国.琼斯,D。.B.韦伯斯特., & 托马斯J.G. (2022). Associations of 体育活动 and sedentary behavior with appetite sensations and eating regulation behaviors before and during the initial year following bariatric surgery. 科学实践, 8(2), pp. 164-175. 美国. doi: 10.1002 / osp4.558

  • Crochiere R.J.艾伯,S.R.泰勒·L.C.萨拉,M., 舒马赫,L.M.戈德斯坦,S.P., & 福尔曼,E.M. (2022). 从移动健康减肥干预饮食失误的瞬间预测. J行为医学, 45(2), pp. 324-330. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s10865-021-00264-4

  • 史密斯,K.E.梅森,T。.B.王伟., 舒马赫,L.M.佩莱格里尼,C.A.戈德施密特,A.B., & Unick J.L. (2022). 焦虑之间的动态关联, 压力, 体育活动, 以及行为减肥干预过程中的饮食调节. 食欲, 168, p. 105706. 英格兰. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105706

  • 海耶斯,J.F., 舒马赫,L.M.潘扎,E.邓西格,S.I.荣,R.R., & Unick J.L. (2022). Affective responses to overeating episodes in women participating in a behavioral weight loss program. 吃Behav, 44, p. 101599. 美国. doi: 10.1016/j.eatbeh.2022.101599

  • Lillis J., 舒马赫,L.M., & 键,维.S. (2021). Preliminary Evaluation of a 1-Day Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Workshop for Increasing Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Adults with Overweight or Obesity. 国际行为医学, 28(6), pp. 827-833. 英格兰. doi: 10.1007/s12529-021-09965-1

  • 史密斯,K.E.梅森,T。.B., 舒马赫,L.M.佩莱格里尼,C.A.戈德施密特,A.B., & Unick J.L. (2021). Momentary affective response to bouts of moderate-to-vigorous 体育活动 predicts changes in 体育活动 and sedentary behavior during behavioral weight loss. 心理运动练习, 57. 荷兰. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.102056

  • 舒马赫,L.M.埃斯佩尔-黄恩,H.M.托马斯·J.G.维蒂亚南森,美国.琼斯,D。.B., & 键,维.S. (2021). 能源, 注意力, and Fatigue After Bariatric Surgery and Associations with Daily Physical Activity and Weight Loss: an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. ob杂志, 31(11), pp. 4893-4900. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s11695-021-05662-w

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·J.G.荣,R.R.雷诺,H.A.罗德州.E., & 键,维.S. (2021). Sustaining Regular Exercise During Weight Loss Maintenance: The Role of Consistent Exercise Timing. J物理行为健康, 18(10), pp. 1253-1260. 美国. doi: 10.1123 / jpah.2021-0135

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·C.安斯沃思,M.C., & Arigo D. (2021). Social predictors of daily relations between college women's 体育活动 intentions and behavior. J行为医学, 44(2), pp. 270-276. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s10865-020-00166-x

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·J.G.荣,R.罗德州.E.雷诺,H., & 键,维. (2021). IMPORTANCE OF TEMPORAL EXERCISE CONSISTENCY FOR EXERCISE LEVELS: A PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS MAINTAINERS. 行为医学年鉴, 55, pp. S276-S276. 从检索 http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/

  • 舒马赫,L.M.马蒂内利,M.K.Convertino, A.D.福尔曼,E.M., & Butryn, M.L. (2021). Weight-Related Information Avoidance Prospectively Predicts Poorer Self-Monitoring and Engagement in a Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention. Ann Behav Med, 55(2), pp. 103-111. 英格兰. doi: 10.1093 / abm / kaaa034

  • 键,维.S.托马斯·J.G.琼斯,D。.B., 舒马赫,L.M.韦伯斯特.埃文斯,E.W.戈德施密特,A.B., & Vithiananthan,年代. (2021). Ecological momentary assessment of gastrointestinal symptoms and risky eating behaviors in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy patients. 外科肥胖相关疾病, 17(3), pp. 475-483. 美国. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2020.11.017

  • 舒马赫,L.荣,R.托马斯·J.G.Pavlovic, J.迪格雷,K.法里斯,S.斯蒂芬,K.萨维尔,D., & 键,维. (2020). 性功能是否随着偏头痛的改善和/或体重减轻而改善?-妇女健康与偏头痛(WHAM)试验的事后分析. 科学实践, 6(6), pp. 596-604. 美国. doi: 10.1002 / osp4.443

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·J.G.雷诺,H.A.罗德州.E., & 键,维.S. (2020). 坚持晨练可能对肥胖人士有益. 体育运动科学Rev ., 48(4), pp. 201-208. 美国. doi: 10.1249 / JES.0000000000000226

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·G.维蒂亚南森,美国.琼斯,D。.B.雷诺,H.罗德州.E.韦伯斯特., & 键,维. (2020). RELATIONSHIP OF CONSISTENCY IN TIMING OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (PA) AND OTHER CUES WITH PA PERFORMANCE IN BARIATRIC SURGERY PATIENTS. 行为医学年鉴, 54, pp. S97-S97. 从检索 http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/

  • L D 'Adamo,., Call, C.C., 舒马赫,L.M.福尔曼,E.M., & Butryn, M.L. (2020). 预测行为减肥治疗后的身体活动维持. 行为医学年鉴, 54, pp. S803-S803. 从检索 http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·J.G.维蒂亚南森,美国.韦伯斯特.琼斯,D。.B., & 键,维.S. (2020). Prolonged sedentary time adversely relates to 体育活动 and obesity among preoperative bariatric surgery patients. 外科肥胖相关疾病, 16(4), pp. 562-567. 美国. doi: 10.1016/j.soard.2019.12.016

  • 克里根年代.G., 舒马赫,L.马纳斯,S.M.洛伊卡,C.Butryn, M.L., & 福尔曼,E.M. (2020). The association between negative affect and 体育活动 among adults in a behavioral weight loss treatment. 心理运动练习, 47. 荷兰. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.03.010

  • 电话,C.C.罗伯茨,S.R., 舒马赫,L.M.,记住,J.E.克里根,S.G., & Butryn, M.L. (2020). Perceived barriers to 体育活动 during and after a behavioural weight loss programme. 科学实践, 6(1), pp. 10-18. 美国. doi: 10.1002 / osp4.373

  • Remmert J.E.伍德沃斯,A.Chau, L., 舒马赫,L.M.Butryn, M.L., & 施耐德,M. (2019). Pilot Trial of an Acceptance-Based Behavioral Intervention to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents. 中学护士, 35(6), pp. 449-461. 美国. doi: 10.1177/1059840518786782

  • 戈弗雷,K.M., 舒马赫,L.M.Butryn, M.L., & 福尔曼,E.M. (2019). Physical Activity Intentions and Behavior 媒体te Treatment Response in an Acceptance-Based Weight Loss Intervention. Ann Behav Med, 53(12), pp. 1009-1019. 英格兰. doi: 10.1093 / abm / kaz011

  • 舒马赫,L.M.托马斯·J.G.雷诺,H.A.罗德州.E.O’leary, K.C.荣,R.R., & 键,维.S. (2019). Relationship of Consistency in Timing of Exercise Performance and Exercise 水平s Among Successful Weight Loss Maintainers. 肥胖(Silver Spring), 27(8), pp. 1285-1291. 美国. doi: 10.1002 / oby.22535

  • 舒马赫,L.M.克里根,S.G.,记住,J.E., Call, C.C.张芳., & Butryn, M.L. (2019). 我思故我在? Examining the relationship between exercise identity and exercise behavior during behavioral weight loss treatment. 心理运动练习, 43, pp. 123-127. 荷兰. doi: 10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.01.012

  • 电话,C.C., 舒马赫,L.M.罗森鲍姆(Rosenbaum)博士.L.Convertino, A.D.张芳., & Butryn, M.L. (2019). Participant and interventionist perceptions of challenges during behavioral weight loss treatment. J行为医学, 42(2), pp. 353-364. 美国. doi: 10.1007/s10865-018-9965-0

  • 舒马赫,L.M.戈弗雷,K.M.福尔曼,E.M., & Butryn, M.L. (2019). Change in Domain-specific but not General Psychological Flexibility Relates to Greater Weight Loss in Acceptance-Based Behavioral Treatment for Obesity. 语境行为科学, 12, pp. 59-65. 荷兰. doi: 10.1016/j.杰西博.2019.01.008